Can a V-8 engine really get 150 MPG ?? Well that is a stretch, but if you compare that MPG to PURCHASED FUEL DOLLARS - then yes in todays' vernacular it CAN. It was done and documented by a major oil company in the late 1940's with patented technology they bought, and again in 1977 by a kid named Tom Olge with a 351 Ford using two different types of "vapor systems". Skeptics persist and a debate continues to this day. Anyone who can read a patent and understand the science of what was really going on of what the design of both systems actually showed . . . would know how and why it was possible because the cooling source for detonation did more than just cool the combustion and prevent detonation.
But today . . . "HHO" is all the rage, and still does not even come close because today fuel injection and emissions control systems will not let you do what earlier pioneers did by tuning and clever delivery apparatus they designed and built for engines of that era . . . so here's how to do it for today's engines . . .
FORGET "HHO", and use a lawful FREEFUELSYSTEM TM instead!!
FORGET all the YOUTUBE videos you have seen (or not).
FORGET the word "conversion".
You CANNOT lawfully convert any engine to run on another fuel solely - but you CAN add a supplemental fueling system to work WITH the existing OEM system WITHOUT tampering with any part of it, so long as you do not INCREASE emissions or shorten or defeat any other system component lifespan.
You cannot run 100% on Hydrogen, but you CAN do a real stretch to a high percentage of it - you make on the fly - then that HIGH MPG becomes a reality. Maybe not 150 MPG though.
That is the LAW and if you are not interested in the LAW - like it or not - we are not interested in you reading further to deal with US. This is a 15 page PDF with a few illustrations, and mostly information on how this is accomplished with some links to online purchasable products which credit to an account you set up with us for further support services - the goal being maximum freedom from the fueling pump. It does not tell you everything you need - as each project is different and you need to read this page carefully and fully before buying. This is considered non-refundable intellectual property sold and is for YOUR EYES and mind as the purchaser ONLY. If you attempt to gain a refund after paying for and receiving the product, it is considered refund abuse and you will be blacklisted from our site and services. WHY ??? Because the wrong information stolen for others is worse than no information at all
FIRST, everything you have seen on YOUTUBE and been told is most assuredly ILLEGAL. Worse, "HHO" will destroy your Oxygen Sensor because it is in - and will burn in - an improper stoichiometric mix to blend with your fuel. Further most ALL those "HHO" units you see are going to destroy themselves in short order. They are in effect "electroplating" devices and thus erode one of the plates in the process electrolysis. Maybe they look like a good "buy" and maybe they will work for a while - but the improvement in mileage does not justify their comparative cost. Use the calculator below to see how much you spend on fuel in a year - or you can SEE it is $5,600 per year at the figures already put in. You MUST change all of the top row figures to get it to recalculate. The tax rates for all states is HERE (some are lower) and - BUT - some municipalities - most in fact - also charge sales tax on top of that - which in most places in California is about an additional 10 percent.
Annual Fuel Cost Calculator
Instructions for using annual fuel costs calculator
If you doubled your mileage in a year you save (or "make back") about $2,500 - and each year it simply improves assuming the fuel saving item continues to work. If you run a delivery or transportation business that is fuel dependent - then the figures are of course WORSE all the way around.
So . . . do you want to at least DOUBLE your fuel mileage ??? Sounds crazy, yes, but it can be done with properly done bi-fueling. Bi-fueling can be implemented legally, and in bi-fueling you make the second fuel - and it is Hydrogen. For $47.00 you will be shown the over-all of how to do it, and NO, this is not the bunk HHO "Power your car on hydrogen", cylindrical Hydrogen generator plans floating all over the Internet that do not work, and were even tried by MythBusters; but sorry no pictures here - you need to READ this in it's entirety. We have been doing this since 1973, and the only company to succeed at making a low cost, reliable, long lasting pure hydrogen generator for a vehicle or engine application.
First let us be clear. There is no such thing as "HHO" gas. This was shortened version of what is chemically known as "oxy-hydrogen" gas, and hydrogen is di-atomic, meaning it always exists in pairs at the atomic level. Often it is called a "diatomic molecule" - which is incorrect nomenclature, as by definition a molecule is a chemical element consisting of two DIFFERENT atomic elements. For instance WATER is a molecule - it is Hydrogen and Oxygen which make it up as a known common molecular element.
Thus the molecular slightly more "excited" gaseous version of water is "steam" or "fog" or "water vapor", but the atoms of the water molecule are NOT separated. This is a critical distinction. Thus, properly speaking "oxy-hydrogen" gas is the presence of the two atoms separated - NOT bound together - but only physically existing in the same relative space as when they are freshly separated, but simply still physically held in that same space. Thus the Hydrogen can be ignited as a gas, and the Oxygen as a gas there will provide the Oxygen to support a simple combustion of the Hydrogen and produce energy and re-produce water again.
It is a dangerous gaseous mix, and not ideal. This is what everyone calls "HHO" gas. This is an Internet created abbreviation because mostly no email editors and the like could write the "subscripted" 2 - required as it's correct chemical equation is really written => 2H2(g) + O2(g) - the (g) meaning "gaseous" in Chemistry nomenclature, to indicate it's state either (aq) for aqueous, (s) for solid - which would be for water -"frozen" or "ice" - or (g) for "gaseous". It must be noted that H2O(g) - is "steam" or "water vapor" and is NOT flammable, while 2H2(g) + O2(g) IS separated gases, and is FLAMMABLE if the Hydrogen is NOT separated from the Oxygen. Hydrogen without Oxygen is not combustible - Oxygen is required along with heat to cause combustion. Thus this is where the rub lies.
HHO is thus actually => 2H2(g) + O2(g) - and in the world of uniformed email authors, they started abbreviating 2H2(g) as "HH" - simply two "H2"'s and the O2(g) was just "O" to them as BOTH Hydrogen and Oxygen are diatomic atoms, the subscripted 2 was left of as no one could write it with an email - as with many HTML editors anyway, and so these chemically uninformed authors thought "HHO" was an actual chemical abbreviation. NOPE . . . it was and is NOT. No such thing as "HHO" gas.
Why does this matter? Because in the world of engine fueling systems, the ideal combustion mixture - or "stoichiometric" mix for Hydrogen as a fuel is 32 to 1, and for Gasoline is 14 to 1 - or in other words 32H2(g) + O2(g) (accounting for atmospheric pressure). That means in a simple splitting of water there is not enough to combust the fuel to power an engine to do substantial work. However Hydrogen is not really picky and will burn in any range between 4 percent and 75 percent concentration with Oxygen.
But that is not the big problem. The big problem is what today we know as the Oxygen Sensor in modern engines. Every non-diesel engine has one, - and so now do some diesel engines - and it is the sensor brain which controls the engine control brain - known as the "computer", ECM, or PCM in a vehicle which is what actually controls the fuel injectors - and most every engine today is fuel injected and has one.
Thus the issue is creating separated Hydrogen [H2(g)] - that can be re-introduced by metering in a more ideal "stoichiometric" mix for Hydrogen sharing as a fuel in an engine. Only H2(g) can be safely stored or compressed and stored as a gas - even for short periods of time and thus - also used in fuel injection systems - which operate between 30 and 60 PSI normally.
But - wait - there is another issue. When Hydrogen burns, it turns to H2O(g) - and that is "steam" or "water vapor"; and that is what is exhausted down the pipes to the Oxygen Sensor. Not only can the Oxygen Sensor not read this as a percentage of Oxygen in a "stoichiometric" mix of burning a carbon based fossil fuel, it will destroy the Oxygen Sensor's ability to read the mixture at all over time as the steam destroys the coating which makes the sensor work and then the "computer" of the car cannot properly control the fuel injectors and until it is replaced the engine will not run properly - if at all.
Problem one - "HHO" gas is dangerous, problem two - HHO will destroy your Oxygen Sensor and thus send no more signals to the computer and fuel injection will fail or operate improperly in what is known as "cold mode"
Why is this e-info different? It shows you a design for how to build the right kind of Hydrogen Generator that produces H2(g). Our information if you follow it will put you on the path for how to LEGALLY deal with the Oxygen Sensor problem so your engine can bi-fuel. It shows you two methods - one for metering to carburetor engines and one for fuel injected engines, how to introduce the H2(g), and finally how to even build two separate fueling systems and tune them to bi-fuel and keep emission control limits within the allowed range (actually they will be lower), legally by licensing a CARB wavered Hydrogen bi-fueling system. This is depending on your application and VIN number you must supply.
Now let us be clear. If you are not a mechanical type who knows something about engines or engine fueling systems - or are willing to seriously learn on your own - this is probably not for you. If you have other ideas of how you think you can do this your way, it is not for you. The license is for a specific lawfully wavered bi-fueling system and must be installed and implemented as stated for however the application process you choose will be done. It would not be a "cheap" solution, and could easily reach an investment of $2,000 and more depending on how esoteric you want to go. Be advised also, this is NOT a system or information for you to sell, post on line or modify or run as a business where you install it for others unless approved by us under limits of law and the license. That is unlawful to do so and the law quoted in the e-info says exactly why with the exact quote to that Federal law absent a special governmental license. This is not bunk, "bull" or a scam.
It is also not for Internet forum types who hang out and share every thought through social media.
You will get a rendering and instructions of how to build a design of a separated H2(g) generator - about the size of, and to replace your auto battery - and move your battery to the trunk area, and items you can obtain to use for properly metering the H2(g) gas to your engine depending on the engine's load in a bi-fueling scenario. Further per project consulting is available at an hourly rate - but for the e-info at this price all you get is what is described herein and it is enough to get the job done if you should decide to and do some further research if you want to go it alone.
So if you want to know how to at the very least lawfully double your fuel mileage, and not damage your engine or vehicle fueling system - and are willing to follow instructions for your application specifically, then purchase the e-info to get started. You also get info on how to become an affiliate and then when you share the knowledge with others and they buy - to get licensed - you will get PAID for each person that purchases it also, so do not be stupid and share it for free. If that is discovered - free sharing - it would revoke your license and end your extended affiliate status with us and any chance at continuing anyway. This is the only LAWFUL (American Federal law) bi-fueling system currently being offered which will work when done as shown.
This is a Digital download ONLY of a file to give you detailed enough instructions for how to build a pure gas hydrogen generator to replace your auto battery, relocate the battery in the trunk; and have the beginnings of enough information for how to lawfully add Hydrogen Bi-fueling to a vehicle to increase fuel mileage lawfully. No actual product is shipped to you from this download, BUT, product for your needs is available once you become a licensed customer abiding by the proffer of the product and the law. It is not the bunk "Run Your Car on Hydrogen" plans you may have seen everywhere else on the Internet, but is proprietary plans as a system licensed to you for YOUR USE only, and is not to be resold, shared, posted, video or pic shared in any way or used to build anything for anyone else.
In the digital download are a few links you can use to purchase approved and creditable items to your account from other Internet sources to your account so you an build towards a full system and IF you purchase through them we will assist you in getting the system working - ONLY if you purchase through those links - those products; and prove that you have done so which we can verify.
You can obtain support and help solving issues as a customer AFTER you register by the download in the instructions sent you
If you use the "contact form" feature, you will be referred to the "messages" feature
Please understand, a large number of people normally want to contact us with pre-sales questions of a detailed nature, and in that case normally they are ignored unless they have made at least the most basic purchase of the license.
This is in the form of digitally downloaded file immediately. You will THEN need to register with us after you purchase
Instructions for using annual fuel costs calculator
You may use decimal points, but not commas.
- Yearly Miles Driven: The estimated number of miles you drive in one year
- MPG City: The city fuel economy of your car in miles per gallon (mpg)
- MPG Highway: The highway fuel economy of your car in miles per gallon (mpg)
- % City: The percentage that you drive your car on city miles in whole percentage (% out of 100)
- % Highway: The percentage that you drive your car on highway miles in whole percentage (% out of 100)
- Gas Price: The average price you pay for gas
- Total Fuel Consumption: Yearly Miles Driven / Composite MPG
Where composite MPG = (1/ [(1/MPG City) * % City + (1/MPG Highway) * % Highway] )
You need dual alternators to run any decent sized Hydrogen Generator system and the pump required to feed it at idle as a single alternator will not put out enough amps - even a high amp one
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